ESP-NOW is a much more energy efficient protocol compared to regular WiFi that can make your battery-powered ESP devices run for months or even years. The downside is that we usually want to send data to servers that don’t speak ESP-NOW. So here is a solution: a gateway that takes ESP-NOW messages and sends them over WiFi, for example as HTTP requests to an API.
What is the current draw of a Wemos D1 mini board in deep sleep? And while connected to WiFi?
These are good questions when you are trying to power an ESP8266 board, like the Wemos D1 mini from a battery.
The best way to optimize power consumption is to use the deep sleep mode but not all boards are the same, even when talking about Wemos D1 mini boards. In fact the differences are considerable!
There are many different versions of the well known Wemos D1 Mini. Do all boards have the same power consumption during deep sleep? Let’s find out.
I have made a few changes and added a new sensor type to SensorHub: atmospheric pressure.
But more importantly: adding new sensor types is now much easier and obvious.
Recently I have been working on a way to visualize data from a couple temperature and humidity sensors I have at home. I didn’t want to go the Prometheus way cause it is too much for something this simple. And I wanted my Raspberry Pi 3B to host it, this means ARM support was mandatory…
De entre todos los módulos que hay para Arduino, el bluetooth es en mi opinión el más interesante. Es muy barato, muy sencillo (no tiene más que 2 pines quitando alimentación y tierra), funciona como un puerto serie, es compatible… Seguir leyendo →
Recientemente he tenido que aprender a usar pantallitas de 4 dígitos con 7 segmentos en Arduino. Es decir, algo como ésto: Como pasa con todo la primera vez siempre cuesta. Y más si hay distintos tipos de displays y por… Seguir leyendo →
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