Here I have a quick comparison of how Wodpress performs depending on the server: Apache vs NGINX
After a long weekend of coding, Unleash The Geek has ended. I finished in Gold 252 after two days of struggle to be honest but after going up and down (waaay down) in the ranking all the weekend it feels like a victory haha.
Last day I managed to reach top 15 on Silver, today the objective is promoting to Gold. For that I have to focus on beating the Silver Boss. How can I do that?
Day three has been a complicated one for my busy robots on Unleash The Geek: I did not manage to improve substantially until late night and it was a bit frustrating.
After reaching Silver League today I focused on refactoring a couple critical parts of the code and implementing more advanced movements.
Yesterday I joined the latest contest on Coding Game called Unleash the Geek. I spent 3 hours creating and improving my bot and it was a great experience!
Hace un par de días se publicaron para su descarga los resultados anónimos de la Developer Survey 2019 de StackOverflow que se realiza cada año. Aunque el análisis de las respuestas a nivel global está disponible desde hace casi dos… Seguir leyendo →
How to export and visualize your LinkedIn data with Kibana.
This is why I think tcpdump is one of the best tools when working with APIs and microservices.
This is the second part of Hypersonic game: programming a bot for fun (Part One), I recommend reading the previous post before. Rewriting the Bot in Java was really interesting because I faced a problem I don’t usually have when… Seguir leyendo →
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