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WordPress: Apache vs NGINX benchmark

Here I have a quick comparison of how Wodpress performs depending on the server: Apache vs NGINX

Coding Game: Unleash the Geek – the end

After a long weekend of coding, Unleash The Geek has ended. I finished in Gold 252 after two days of struggle to be honest but after going up and down (waaay down) in the ranking all the weekend it feels like a victory haha.

Coding Game: Unleash the Geek – day IV

Last day I managed to reach top 15 on Silver, today the objective is promoting to Gold. For that I have to focus on beating the Silver Boss. How can I do that?

Coding Game: Unleash the Geek – day III

Day three has been a complicated one for my busy robots on Unleash The Geek: I did not manage to improve substantially until late night and it was a bit frustrating.

Coding Game: Unleash the Geek – day II

After reaching Silver League today I focused on refactoring a couple critical parts of the code and implementing more advanced movements.

Coding Game: Unleash the Geek – day I

Yesterday I joined the latest contest on Coding Game called Unleash the Geek. I spent 3 hours creating and improving my bot and it was a great experience!

Visualize your LinkedIn data with Kibana

How to export and visualize your LinkedIn data with Kibana.

Tcpdump for REST APIs and Microservices

This is why I think tcpdump is one of the best tools when working with APIs and microservices.

Hypersonic game: when Objects hurt performance (Part Two)

This is the second part of Hypersonic game: programming a bot for fun (Part One), I recommend reading the previous post before. Rewriting the Bot in Java was really interesting because I faced a problem I don’t usually have when… Seguir leyendo →

Hypersonic game: programming a bot for fun (Part One)

Last month I discovered a web, CodinGame, where people can learn to program or try new languages in a fun way. There are small tutorials, to familiarize with loops, conditions, arrays and things like that. Quick competitions between users (5… Seguir leyendo →

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