Etiqueta JavaScript

Visualize your LinkedIn data with Kibana

How to export and visualize your LinkedIn data with Kibana.

Hypersonic game: programming a bot for fun (Part One)

Last month I discovered a web, CodinGame, where people can learn to program or try new languages in a fun way. There are small tutorials, to familiarize with loops, conditions, arrays and things like that. Quick competitions between users (5… Seguir leyendo →

How to pass arguments to Node.js Async.series functions?

If you are trying to pass arguments to a Node.js async.series set of functions then this is going to help, I promise.

Imagine we have to methods in a Question-Answer website that we have to call before allowing a user to answer a Question.

We require the user to have enough reputation and also enough unicorns. Yeah, unicorns. This is an example, I can write anything here 😀

Minitutorial Node.js y MongoDB

No voy a explicar cómo usar MongoDB con Node.js, esto solo es un pequeño tutorial previo a programar nada:instalar MongoDB, iniciarlo, dejarlo corriendo, instalar Node y npm, crear una app Express y ponerlo a funcionar. 1. Instalar MongoDB manualmente: (si… Seguir leyendo →

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